Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Easter and definitely no egg!

The weekend started in the usual manner for the last 2 weeks - a visit from Johnny Fuller or catch his now official business tweets here. A video was taken but will never be shown, imagine one of those fainting goats in Algeria being attacked, yes ATTACKED by a bloke with an umbrella and you can begin to imagine the pain. Not there yet? Never fear, here, just watch what I mean...


Back to my point, or ironically my back. After proceeding to clear knots in my back, 25 minutes one side and 20 minutes the other side, I was too "messed up" for there to be too much work done to the myofascial tissue (get me and my science terminology). In light of this, I am having to go lighter on my back and shoulders for the next 10 days or so to be able to help myself and Johnny clear up the kyphosis.

My workouts have been going fine. I have had to reduce a little on frequency because I was finding it difficult to recover in time.

I have had gains in all areas of weight being lifted and repetitions at the same time so I am definitely getting stronger. I am going to be switching to total body workouts so that way I can work out the same body part twice in a week rather than every 8-10 days.

Whilst I am trying to achieve Paelo greatness I still eat some things which are prohibited by the diet itself such as honey and some sugary pieces every now and again. However I have totally gone off chocolate and other sweet snacks. I enjoy fruit and veg a lot more. I really need to find coconut flour from somewhere though as I do miss the occasional cake and definitely my own American pancakes!

I think, and yes I did say think (it happens rarely so be prepared to revel in the awesomeness of a chimp starting a fire - I checked and no there are no youtube videos of this) but the sun really does change the way you eat. For example BBQ's which are by the way the greatest invention to ever come out of the ice age, are clearly the perfect supplement to good weather. My housemate - Tim and I bought a gas one yesterday and I am going to spend several weeks sticking the bloody thing together. In the interim, these disposable BBQ's are a great purchase and so we proceeded to eating burgers, some "Taste the difference" sausages and loads of salad one evening.

I have been playing quite a lot of football (soccer) recently and not found it difficult without the carbs - actually I am noticing no difference in terms of energy levels when I am playing. I have even got quite into cricket - shame, shock and horror to the lot of you. I seem to have an uncanny ability of bowling out people - yes I have NO IDEA what that means either.

Monday, 18 April 2011

This may hurt...

You know it's going to be an interesting sports therapy session when a trusted friend who has decided to dedicate his Friday afternoon treating my kyphosis begins by saying "this may hurt a little bit". (Basically it's a hump that forms with terrible posture - luckily it can be treated if caught early enough and exercises duly followed.) After 45 minutes, and before and after pictures to help show the difference good old Johnny did a sterling job in already helping the situation - although I was more reliably informed that I was going to need more treatment to do the trick - roll on woozyness and general pain for 48 hours.

If you want to get hold of Johnny best place to start is Twitter. (This will take you straight to his account.) Send him questions, anecdotes and some sweet love if you want!

As for the workouts, once again, overall general improvement in weights lifted and failure achieved on all sets. My back has definitely got bigger, but my diet which is quite calorifically low I seem to have lost a bit of weight,  around 3kg's - a majority of which does appear to be fat however.

I proceeded in the week with my egg whites and another fish stew only this was done with a bit more of a twist, and was delicious. I also broke my paleo diet a little bit with my first ever flump - as recommended by a new twitter follower StyleCouncillor (follow him people, nice chap and has been having some mice issues which are quite funny to see the solutions on his blog.) 

So the workouts are good and intense. The diet is going well, and the therapy...well I'll get Johnny to let you all know how that's going in a few weeks.

Peace peeps,

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

I got Tim some cordial...

This weekend I was at a wedding, and so whilst I tried to remain as paleolithic as possible, it was a little hard - but I see this being not an issue. The issue for me would come if you started making carbs your main food supplement and not a lesser part - if that makes sense. Either way the food was great and the couple getting married looked fantastic - Nice one Chris and Laura!

I proceeded with training on the bike in my garage, getting in a few miles and then going to the gym in the afternoon...and here is where things get a little surreal.

On Friday, I had a sports massage with Johnny Fuller - there was much talking and mocking in the preceeding days before the treatment, not least between myself and Johnny. Either way we found time to actually get the treatment done. Now, from everything I have ever read, it's meant to be a strenuous routine and some things may hurt, the reason to undergo such punishment is that better blood flow to the cells and looser muscles will aide in achieving your goals.


A few sentences I never want to hear again are "strip the muscles" "IT Band stretching" and "this calf is more tender than I thought." Let's face it people I couldn't see the point of the bloody thing until my Sunday night session.

Each leg exercise I performed went up in weight and there was limited to no pain the day after and we are talking about PB's here, so YES I can thoroughly recommend treatment and if you are in the Chester/North West area call Johnny boy, he is quality!

Sunday night I had a mega bowl of salad with burgers and cheese - I just love the stuff. And recently I have taken to incorporating more fruit in my breakfast portion of the day which certainly helps stave off cravings and fixes my sugar drops.

Hope to catch you all soon, with more enlightening updates.


p.s I did remind myself to get Tim some cordial...I did steal quite a fair bit. 

Thursday, 7 April 2011

I blame it on the cordial moth

So I realise that it has been over a week since I last wrote anything on my blog. The fear is that if I don't write anything then I will ultimately fail myself and the "avid" fans reading this...by fans I mean friends and family, and by friends and family I mean myself...

Anyhoot (you have to love this 1930's word which was rebellious at the time but pleb-worthy now) I have gone paleo and my training hasn't suffered, if anything it feels even better when I train, and as for my diet/lifestyle change (food not sexuality - I love women, although pots with big sticks are strangely homely and appealing!) I can't complain, actually I want to shout from the rooftops how better I feel being on it. In the last week not only have I noticed a difference in the way I look but also my body is reacting very well to it. There has definitely been fat loss but I don't look gaunt which is good, and my energy levels are just as good if not better now. I still try and drink as much water/cordial (non-sugar) as I can to help with hydrating and this has also provided benefits to my skin and what was a restless bladder. (Note to self, buy Tim some more cordial you have stolen far too much to blame it on the cordial moth - an imaginary animal thief who steals only cordial.)

On twitter I had a recent follower PrimalToad who has helped me with some snack ideas whilst being on Paleo lifestyle. The only thing I worry about slightly is the quantity of red meat I have managed to justify eating in this period. I have cut this down more to super white meats like Chicken and Turkey, and my fish intake has gone up as well. Actually I did a fish stew the other day which, in the words of Charlie Sheen keeps me #WINNING. Chris A my colleague decided to stick a lovely door message after hearing me discuss it with another colleague - Chris T (not christ, Chris.T) who has also switched eating habits. 

As for my workout. Well I have modified both workout routines slightly and I will update you on this when I retrieve my pad this evening. But to put it plainly. I have not plateaud, I know it will come one day, but the results I am gaining both in strength in size are very good and it is taking me 35 mins mostly to get my session done - why would I bother with 1 - 1.5 hours? Truly baffling in some regards that people can't see beyond the mis-representation that the health industry puts out there - we question science on so many different levels but we don't even begin to when we are looking at our well being?

I realise that I never published body measurements (get your minds out of the gutter!) and weight before I started the 20 week HIT plan so I will do so when I get the chance this weekend.

Have a good one everybody,
