Monday, 1 August 2011

Now don't forget to...exercise

Nearly at the 20kgs.....
And so I come to my penultimate post.

Yes the voyage has nearly ended for the blog, which a total of 6000+ people have read - thank you all, and 0 have commented, an even bigger thank you.

The penultimate post is addressing the ever important question of the Exercise Pyramid I have created for myself...EXERCISE. That's right, once you have put together your plan, your diet, your attitude and accepted what the outcome may be you will need to get into the gym and exercise. But what exercise suits you and how it will help achieve your goals are individual to you.

I have had a total of 4 plans. I have mixed things up in this 20 week period. I have always maintained 2 different sessions. In my first phase (around 12 weeks) I had one session which focused primarily on upper body and second session which focused on lower body. In my remaining weeks I have had two different total body workouts. My objective was to gain strength and growth on my chest, back, shoulders, arms etc. So the exercises I chose were relevant to that. I have increased aerobic activity to help burn fat along with addressing my dietary needs (yes that again).

You see, what I am trying to get at is, you will understand what exercises work and don't work for you. You will know which ones you like and which you don't. It's a fine process of tinkering around until you feel comfortable with the workout and know you can push yourself on it. Those moments where you think, "Oh I can't be bothered doing this tonight" is made all that different if you are doing a workout you know can and will achieve results.

I have a hand condition where two of my fingers are joined together, to grip weights with this hand can sometimes be difficult, and the overall movement will vary from my left hand side, so I always try and find exercises which I know I can execute without placing too much emphasis on my right hand and creating imbalance. This workout works for me, but it might not for you.

My only tip is this. If you are embarking on HIT you need to remember two things, form and time. Maintain the correct form throughout the exercise and your time in the positive and negative phase (2 up, 4 down) and you will be exerting your muscles fully and remember, you lift until you can't anymore. Visualisation techniques can help break through that pain barrier.

The science in this is ulitmately YOU.

So there we have it, play with your workouts, see what does and doesn't work for you. How you feel at the end of your workout and if you can find yourself enjoying it, and always remember no pain, no gain.

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