Friday, 6 May 2011

The attack of the sweet-tooth (and minor injury 1)

Hello everyone and welcome to Gino's weekly (as that's how often it seems recently) blog on training, diet and darn right stupidity.

Let's get the boring stuff out of the way...

Gains, gains, gains and more gains. Strength and size increases across the board. However, a slight niggling knee injury (which Fabio Castellini) has slowed down progress on my new found chicken legs. Like my bio says, I seem to solidify not place mass on my legs. I also have to be careful with my back as I was recently bottom pinning/top stacking (lifting the most weight the machine allows) and this in turn was creating some knots in my back which make it harder for Johnny to fix my mini-kyphosis.

Aside from this I mentioned that I was going to split my workout into two total body sessions so as to workout all my muscles twice a week and provide a bit more consistency with my other sports in balance. (If I was working out three times a week it would mean having to go back to switching days on alternate weeks which I want to avoid). I will provide a re-working of my workout for you to peruse and comment - if anyone actually ever wants to comment that is.

Attack of the sweet tooth has never been more apt until this week. You see whilst trying to be paleo (carb minimised for want of a better idea of what I am trying to achieve) you miss the sugar, by you I mean ME!

Sweet donughts, lovely crepes + soft fluffy american pancakes...chocolate!

I have searched far and wide on the internet for cake recipes without flour. I have looked at alternate snack foods which could present the required, sought after, much loved sugar rush and palette sensation. And here's the problem, if indeed you have a sweet tooth like me, Nigella Lawson and Mr Kipling you struggle to not have sugar for a few hours let alone weeks like I've been on. (As a side note Nigella and her big ass can't seem to get on without sugar for more than a half sleep cycle!) Oh and America, the UK doesn't sell cocunut flour so please stop sticking it in our faces!

The alternatives listed in the many forums, books and social media outlays will point to fruit, nuts and meat! (The latter not really a snack if you get the picture.) And here's the issue, none of these are really sweet. Alternative almond selections like the one on the photograph are great, just expensive, salty and this bag alone contains over 300kcal.

So, I ended up eating 2 donughts this week, American pancakes with Nutella (half of the flour substituted with protein powder) and some chocolate (candy) bar. The guilt is ripping through me, but as Tim said the other evening, if you start focusing on it too much you will have an eating disorder by the end of the week. Considering it's Friday and I've not voluntarily vomited, I might be in the all clear!

So if anyone has any ideas on how to enlighten my plight (a friend did suggest crunched almonds as an alternative to flour - for me it didn't work) please let me know.

Well the last post contained a BBQ picture, so it's only fair that I continue to show the delights of eating from BBQ's - here's a full rack of ribs, chicken and sausages enjoyed by yours truly, Tim and my Dad last Friday evening - gotta love the simplicity!

Anyway, I have started noting some training and diet principles which I think are important in achieving your goals - well I am finding that they are helping me and hopefully may help you as well.

Right, I'm off to Italy Saturday morning to go watch Milan play Roma. I'll be in the Roma Curva Nord stand and I may die if I scream or celebrate in any which form for Milan, so it's been a pleasure. I hope to speak to you again, if not in person, when I haunt the shit out of you!


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