Monday, 16 May 2011

Updated Routine

Finally my updated workout is here. Send me your thoughts and ideas to how I could look to improve any of it. Like I said in a post a while back I have switched to 2 total body workouts a week so that I could gain emphasis on my training but also give me slightly more rest time the possibility to work out whole body in one week twice rather than run the risk of missing a session and then panicking!!!!

All workouts are done on machines unless otherwise stated. I believe in the mechanical revolution - a term my friend James gave to me one day about weight lifting.

Workout A 

Incline Chest Press
Single Arm Fly's
Lateral Raise
Leg Extension
Leg Curl
Tri Dip Machine
Tri Rope
Open arm curls (Dumbbells)
Rope Crunch
Leg Raise

Workout B 

Upright Press
Shoulder Press
Lateral Raise
Leg Press
Tri Rope
Machine curls
EZ Bar curls
Incline Sit Up (with weight)
Oblique Twist or Lifts

As you can see where I have 1 exercise for a body part in Workout A I have made it 2 exercises in Workout B and vice versa. I have done it this way to provide a little more balance. As before, all exercises will be performed to failure, 1 set.

Whilst I haven't done accurate figures, I would point out the following my strength gains per whole are averaging 48% - that's correct 48% and that's after 11 weeks of training! If you were to ask anyone who trains what that means in the timescale I've done it in, they would be very impressed!

I have currently laid off the back, shoulder and leg exercises for a little bit due to slight injury and my ongoing treatment for my muscular condition at the back of my neck. Prognosis on this is good by the way. Johnny believes we are making good progress and the myofascial tissue can start to be displaced appropriately.

I always like to add a picture where I can to my blog, but nothing seemed appropriate this week, which means I will start snapping soon enough to keep myself if anyone else entertained.


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