Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Week 11...

I resisted blogging last week as I had sustained a football (soccer) related injury. In my behest to get it fixed I had nearly done equally as much damage just shifting things around my house to make me feel more comfortable.

Fabio pointing out why I am stupid
What had happened remains a slight mystery. I remember stretching for the ball and then next thing, feeling my back tweak...I struggled to walk home.

So it was back to limited movement and pain killers, all of which took the edge of slightly but the pain in total was a little too much to go exercise on - so last week could be considered somewhat of a rest week. This week perhaps more of the same.

Johnny (yes my personal torturer) and Fabio (my Milanese friend, confidante and overall p1ss taker) set about putting me right - It has nearly worked. I am recovering and perhaps may make a speedy return to the weight racks and see people train horribly in the mean time.

(Actually Fabio and Johnny have more in common than I thought, they both like to take the p1ss out of me - especially when treating!)

I'll give you another update when I am back in full action.


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